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Simple, Efficient, Online Hiring


No one-size-fits-all

There’s no one-size-fits-all for recruiting and hiring, but well-designed software enables you to customize it to meet your needs.

Real-time workflow tracking keeps you current. You get a real-time view of where all applicants and candidates are in your pipeline, by job or in aggregate.

Job-by-job basis
You can modify workflows on a job-by-job basis — you don’t hire the same way for every position, and your software should reflect that.

Real-time system activity
Easily monitor recruiting activities by user, department, or organization-wide.  Access and distribute key reports. Message applicants and co-workers alike.



The HR tool for today



KeldairHR is built for the speed of today – mobile-friendly, fast, and efficient.

Collaborative communications with your team and one-click applicant updates keep everyone on the same page.


The analytics prove it – applicants don’t want to spend a lot of upfront time on the initial application. With multi-part job templates KeldairHR enables you to quickly obtain essential information and then pursue more detailed information from viable candidates later.


One system to rule them all

Finally, there’s just one system to track all things recruiting and hiring.

Stay informed
Always know “who did what and when.”

Peek into the future
Intuitive understanding of what needs to be done next.

Works well with others
Team alignment and coordination on each job.

Easy on the Eyes
A modern design that’s easy for everyone to use – from power recruiters to single-hire users.

Questions? Contact us!

Start building your best team today!


Ready to empower your hiring team with the right tools? Request a demo and one of our
experts will guide you through the refreshingly simple yet powerful KeldairHR platform.


Hagel & Company


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