Which HRMS Solution is Best for You?
Schedule a Consultation
We know how intimidating the search for a new Human Resource and Payroll software system can be, so let us help. We have spent thousands of hours researching and evaluating the best products for our customers. The market has evolved significantly in the past two to three years and many of the products that were best in the past have been eclipsed by newer technology and thoughtful single database design.
Our research has resulted in the selection of a full spectrum of cloud and on-premise solutions that are featured on this site. Our team has specialized in Human Resource and Payroll Software for more than 22 years and is here to make sure you have the most current and reliable software available on the market today!
Whether you need a powerful on-premise or cloud-based system, we will work with you to determine what software is the best fit for YOUR company or organization.

The more proficient that you become with your business management solutions, the greater the contribution you can make to the company’s overall success. To help you realize a high level of performance, Hagel & Company offers professional product training on all of our products throughout the country.
Learn time-saving tips to maximize your software or receive training on past or current products we recommend by contacting us today! 253-572-2439